
Keynotes. And other gigs.

My life as a lawyer is pretty nerdy. And above all, entertaining.

I find it easy to present complex issues in a simple way (and with a wink of the eye). Believe me, this helps in conveying knowledge about difficult topics on legal tech.

And sometimes it just needs to be a bit more: from bad screenshots, Agile Lawyers and my life outside the box – I’m happy to inspire you. Tailored to you and your audience, of course:

Legal Tech & Lawyer Life


LegalTech Basics

Work flows in law firms

Process and Project Management (The Agile Lawyer)

Law Firm StartUp

New Work

Tech Law




Intellectual property

Professional Law and Digitalisation

„Katharina gave the surprise keynote at the last HR conference: casually she talked about stiff careers in law, forcefully she explained why she will not squeeze herself into any box and as a matter of course she let us share her projects. Entertaining, enriching and – to put it in Katharina’s words – simply liebens-weird!“

Monika Dauterive (HR Professional, October 2022)

“I really appreciate the presentations by and with Katharina. They are practical and well-founded, professional and funny. As a speaker she is reliable, curious, open. It’s always a pleasure! i.e.: Thumbs up 😊”

Franz Kummer (Founder and Co-Owner, Weblaw AG)

“I had the pleasure of having Katharina speak at an event that equips women entrepreneurs to go international in 2019. I had the pleasure of having Katharina speak at an event that equips women entrepreneurs to go international in 2019. Her presentation made such an impression that in almost every meeting with the alumni, someone referenced Katharina’s talk as an inspiration for navigating the legal minefield of e-commerce, IP and data protection.

When I was tasked with finding a speaker for our televised interview programme, I did not hesitate to contact her. When I was tasked with finding a speaker for our televised interview programme, I did not hesitate to contact her. We needed someone to energise and motivate our audience to think differently about women’s empowerment and thriving in STEM industries. When I was tasked with finding a speaker for our televised interview programme, I did not hesitate to contact her. We needed someone to energise and motivate our audience to think differently about women’s empowerment and thriving in STEM industries. Katharina’s talk on utilising her role as a Female Nerd and her expertise in Legal Tech fit the bill.”

Rita Isiba (Engagement Consultant, Trainer, Facilitator)

© 2022 Thomas Magyar


ONLINE, 14. Februar 2025, Agile Law Firm – Das Webinar zum Buch (gemeinsam mit Josia Splitt und Baltasar Cevc)

ONLINE, 10. Februar 2025, WKNÖ: Rechtlich sicher in Sozialen Medien

ONLINE, 31. Oktober 2024, NoLEDGE: AI for Lawyers (gemeinsam mit Kilian Springer und David Schneeberger)

RUST, 18. Oktober 2024, RuSt: IT-Sicherheitsrecht (gemeinsam mit Prof. Nikolaus Forgó)

RUST, 15. Oktober 2024, PriSec: Open Source Software im Unternehmen – Security und Lizenzperspektive. Was das mit dem CRA zu tun hat. (Gemeinsam mit RA Baltasar Cevc)

ONLINE, September 2024, ÖRAV, Datenschutz in der Praxis

ST PÖTEN+ONLINE, September 2024, KI im E-Commerce

WIEN, April 2024, Vienna Legal Innovation


More to come soon…!

Talks 2023
Talks 2022
Talks 2021
  • ONLINE, November 2021, JKU Institut für Anwaltsrecht, Preservation of Evidence of Hate Online
  • WIEN, November 2021, Future Law Konferenz, Überlegungen zur digitalen Beweisführung
  • VIENNA, September 2021, LSZ Data Business & Analytics, Big Data, AI and law – an insurmountable obstacle?
  • VIENNA, September 2021, Business Circle Vienna Legal Tech, Moderation
  • VIENNA, July 2021, LSZ 360° Cloud, Privacy in the US-Cloud
  • ONLINE, June 2021, Vienna Legal Hackers, Breach of law online
  • ONLINE, March 2021, Hatahet, Microsoft Teams from a legal point of view
  • ONLINE, February 2021, Creativeregion, Nerds of Law vs Copyright
  • ONLINE, February 2021, IRIS 2021, Copyright and Artificial Intelligence
Talks 2020
  • ONLINE, November 2020, Juristenverband, LegalTech and the digitalisation of the legal industry
  • ONLINE, November 2020, Future Law Konferenz, Small law firm – big winners
  • VIENNA, September 2020, VÖSI Software Day, © and AI
  • SALZBURG, February 2020, IRIS 2021, Responsible digitalisation in the legal profession
  • and much more…

Feel free to contact me if you would like me to enrich your next event.

Press and Interviews

Digitale Kanzlei Podcast 009 – Beweissicherung im Internet UWG, IP & Compliance


LECARE Podcast #20 Buddy Badge Initiative und Networking



April 2024

Gehypte Tech-Tools reichen nicht, um zukunftsfit zu sein


Tod des Stundensatzes


Podcast #37 Katharina Bisset – Attorney, Co-Founder NetzBeweis, Podcasterin


Anwältin gegen Hass im Netz


Frauenschwerpunkt: Katharina Bisset


Starke Frauen und feministische Vorbilder – Katharina Bisset


Mit Legal Tech Tool zur „Höhle der Löwen“


New Lawyers #52 mit Katharina Bisset, Anwältin & Gründerin NetzBeweis


Ein Hackathon ist eine wertvolle Erfahrung.


LTO Small Talk: Anwältin und Legal-Tech-Unternehmerin


UA22 Gründung & Start up Bisset Katharina, NetzBeweis


Video-Einvernahmen: Wie digital dürfen Strafverfahren sein?


Nerds of Law: Anwalts-Kanzleien sollen mehr wie Startups werden


Am Punkt #72 mit Katharina Bisset – Kanzlei-Start-Up oder: Wie man die eigene Rechtsanwaltskanzlei richtig gründet


Stimmen von starken Frauen im MINT-Bereich werden lauter


Rechtsanwältin setzt sich gegen Hass im Internet ein


Onlineshop Systeme 2022


Sind agile Prinzipien und Juristerei ein Paradox?


IAR-Webinar “Anwaltsrecht aktuell”



Katharina Bisset, der Nerd unter den Anwältinnen



Urheberrecht für KI-Werke? – Rechtsbelehrung 95


LawStories – Interview mit der Rechtsanwältin Katharina Bisset


Jurist und Nerd passt heutzutage als Berufsbild perfekt zusammen – #44


Katharina Bisset (Nerds of Law) eröffnet die eigene Kanzlei


Recht politisch #42: Hass im Netz


Das Recht am eigenen Bild mit Ey Katharina


You need more information?

Scroll through my website.

Or contact me for an initial consultation.